ClickCease FAQs - RAM


Real Asset Management Group is a Wealth and Asset Management firm, with offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Hong Kong, and Shanghai. We are committed to providing the highest quality solutions to Dealer Groups, Family Offices, Institutions and High Net Worth Individuals across Asia Pacific. We provide a global set of investment solutions through our group companies licensed by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission of Australia (AFSL 484263), and the Securities & Futures Commission of Hong Kong (CE BGL803).

The trustee of a trust can be a person or a company (known as a corporate trustee). The role of the trustee is to be legally capable of holding trust property in their own right. The trustee holds the trust property for the benefit of the beneficiaries.

A custodian or a custodian bank is a financial institution that holds customers’ securities for protection to prevent them from being lost or stolen. This can either be held in an electronic or a physical form.

The Australian Securities and Investment Commission’s purpose is to support informed investors and members of the public that financial services business and markets operate efficiently, honestly, and fairly. By obtaining an AFS license for our managed fund and registering it within the framework provided by ASIC, we ensure that our RARPF and RAMPF is at the highest regulatory quality possible for investors.


Introduced by the Australian Government in November 2012, the Significant Investor Visa is a stream within the Business Innovation and Investment (provisional) (Subclass 188) visa and the Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent)(Subclass 888) visa.

The Significant Investor Visa commenced on 24 November 2012, with the purpose to provide high net worth individuals seeking investment migration and to boost the Australian economy. Significant Investor Visa holders are required to invest a minimum of $5 million AUD into complying investments for a minimum of four years before being eligible for a permanent visa.

Candidates seeking to apply for a Significant Investor visa must invest at least $5 million AUD, which must consist of

  • At least $500,000 in eligible Australian venture capital or growth private equity (VCPE) fund(s) investing in start-up and small private companies.
  • At least $1.5 million in an eligible managed fund(s) or Listed Investment Companies (LICs) that invest in emerging companies listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX); and
  • A ‘balancing investment’ of up to $3 million in managed fund(s) or LICs that invest in a combination of eligible assets that include Australian securities, eligible corporate bonds or notes, annuities and real property (subject to the 10 percent limit on residential real estate).

VCPE is a form of investment that provides capital to typically new, innovative or fast-growing unlisted companies that is based in Australia.

In order to be eligible to take SIV investment, a VCPE fund must be registered under the Early Stage Venture Capital Limited Partnership (ESVCLP) or Venture Capital Limited Partnership (VCLP) programs, operated by the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science.

The Department of Industry, Innovation and Science is responsible for the administration of the Early Stage Venture Capital Limited Partnership (ESVCLP) and Venture Capital Limited Partnership (VCLP) programs.

In some instances, VCPE may require longer investment terms than the four-year provisional visa period. It is up to the SIV applicant to decide whether they want to invest longer than the required provisional visa period.

No. Direct investments in residential real estate will not be considered as a complying investment for a Significant Investor Visa. Indirect investment in residential real estate will be limited to less than 10% of the investment vehicles net assets.

An example of an indirect investment in Australian residential real estate is through a debt instrument which includes a managed investment fund that invests in loans secured by a mortgage over real property for the purposes of making a profit.

Yes, you are allowed to engage another person to manage your complying investment. As a holder of a Significant Investor Visa or a Premium Investor Visa, you do not have to be directly involved in managing your complying investment.

Yes. You will be required to provide relevant supporting documents to prove that the assets and funds you are using for your complying investment are unencumbered and lawfully acquired.

If you are granted a permanent Significant Investor Visa, you have the right to decide for yourself what you want to do with your complying investments. To be granted a permanent Significant Investor Visa, you must have ongoing commitment to maintain business or investment activities in Australia.

No. The funds used to make your complying investment must be unencumbered.

To prove that the funds you have invested in complying investment is for SIV purposes, our fund manager will make a declaration in Form 1413 that our services would be limited to the categories. This declaration will be required for each fund you invest in.

Like all investments, we cannot guarantee any return on your complying investments. Investing in any investment product involves risk. However the complying investment framework is designed to maximise the benefit of investments for the Australian economy, not to ensure visa holders get the highest return possible on their investments.

As long as the sum with the complying investments meets with the required proportions, the holder of the Significant Investor Visa make switch between the categories. Proceeds from the realisation of the investments in eligible VCPE funds before the end of the provisional visa qualifying period are to be reinvested in complying funds.

Visa holders have a maximum period of 30 calendar days from the date the funds are withdrawn to reinvest in other complying investments. Funds reinvested into a complying investment within 30 calendar days are taken to have been held continuously from the original investment date.