ClickCease Real Giving Programme - RAM

Welcome to the Real Giving Programme

With the full commitment of the RAM Board, our giving programme encourages and promotes our combined generosity towards issues of social and environmental importance to our communities.

Real Giving is led by our team members, for our team members to drive our strong, values-based culture.

The principles of Real Giving are to

  • Keep it simple
  • Celebrate diversity of giving across the business
  • Empower staff to oversee and deliver the programme
  • Remain agnostic around who or what is supported
  • Provide volunteer time/leave per year to support organisations as a team
  • Match your donations and make specific gifts to selected charities


We have a Giving Committee to develop and implement the Giving Programme. The Committee:

  • Consists of a diverse group of staff across the Group
  • Rotates members annually, July to June, allowing all to take part in shaping the programme
  • Encourages department members to self-nominate as coaches to mentor new members throughout their term

How does it work?


The programme runs to the Australian financial year, with a new budget set by the Board each July.


1a. Staff Giving Programme – Donations

Match staff donations

In support of our team’s wide charitable interests, donations you personally make will be matched by Real Giving:

  • Up to AUD $1000 per person per financial year
  • Matched at 1.0: 1.0 in your local currency
  • DGR Type 1 entities only, or HK equivalent
  • Submit applications for donation matching to [email protected]

1b. Staff Giving Programme – Fundraising

Match staff fundraising drive

When you work hard to fundraise for your chosen charity, Real Giving will match your efforts with no cap on the amount:

  • Matched at 1.0: 1.0 in your local currency to the total amount you raise
  • DGR Type 1 entities only, or HK equivalent
  • One application/employee/financial year with completed fundraising result (e.g. Movember, Daffodil Day)

2. Team Volunteering Programme

A key goal of Real Giving is to provide volunteer time and funds to support charitable organisations as a team. Bring together a group of your colleagues and book in a day with a cause you are all passionate about:

  • Create a team of at least 3 staff members
  • Complete a Team Volunteering Application Form
  • Apply via Bamboo / HK admin team for your 1 volunteer leave day per financial year
  • Take AUD 1,000 donation from RAM Group Giving with you
  • Organise lunch with Real Giving funds
  • Take team photos and send in report to the committee
  • DGR Type 1 entities only, or HK equivalent

3. Annual Giving Day

The Real Giving year culminates in a Giving Event that we all can be proud of:

  • 1 day per year to focus on giving the remaining funds for the financial year
  • Charities partner(s) selected by the Giving Committee with input from all
  • Organisation of the day determined by the committee in the months prior


Real Giving STEPtember Initiative

On top of what you all raised, Real Giving donated:

An initial

AUD 1,000

as part of our Team Volunteering program.
The team has participated the Steptember initiative in 2020 and 2021,
where Real Giving matched the total donations with a lump sum of

AUD 7,586

(plus fees)

RAM Bushfire Disaster Donation Matching Scheme

Together RAM employees donated AUD 3,567.23 across the below organisations and RAM has doubled our donations to a total of AUD 7,140.

Australian Red Cross
Community Enterprise Foundation
Koala Hospital
NSW Rural Fire Service & Brigades Donations Fund
Wildlife Victoria

Australian Red Cross Lifeblood Donation

One third of blood donations help treat people with cancer.

As part of the RAM Real Giving program, the Sydney office had a team trip to the local Red Cross Lifeblood donor center to donate blood.

On top of this, RAM has made a $1,000 donation to Red Cross in support of their work.

This year we have partnered with Save the Children to support their vision of creating a world in which every child attains the rights to survival, protection, development and participation.

RAM’s partnership with Save the Children will enable them to continue supporting the children who have been affected by the devasting pandemic of COVID-19. With your contribution, it will provide early childhood care & development, youth services, child wellbeing, preventing violence and community support to children.

Here in Australia and around the world, Save the Children give a powerful voice to children and champion their rights. As a global organisation, in 2019 Save the Children directly reached 38.7 million of the world’s most vulnerable children in 117 countries. 

To learn more about Save the Children and the impact they are having, see the video below.


The RAM team and business partners have collectively donated AUD 11,875 across Save the Children Australia and Save the Children Hong Kong. On top of this donation, RAM has donated a further AUD 35,000 to the Save the Children Cause

The Committee

Suzanne Hutchinson

Director, HR Director

Chantal Sutton

Office Manager and Executive Assistant

Julie Stanceski

Associate Director, Head of Lending Operations

Syron Yang

Office Manager

Doris Aitken

Graphic Designer

Chevy Milford

Processing Officer

Dennisse Cooper

Credit Support Officer

You can contact the Real Giving Committee at: [email protected]

Read the Giving Committee Charter