15 November 2023 | ASX RELEASE

RAM Appointed as Investment Manager of the RAM Australia Healthcare Opportunity Fund and a New Joint Venture with a large South-East Asian Sovereign Wealth Fund

A member of the Real Asset Management (RAM) Group of Companies has been appointed as the investment manager for a new vehicle, the RAM Australia Healthcare Opportunity Fund (HOF). HOF will joint venture with a large South-East Asian Sovereign Wealth Fund, investing in development opportunities within the Australian healthcare sector.

A copy of the announcement for the creation of HOF and RAM’s role is set out in the Schedule below.

HOF is a separate fund from the RAM Essential Services Property Fund (REP), however the investment manager for both funds are related entities. The appointment of RAM as investment manager of HOF creates opportunities for REP by increasing RAM’s presence as an investment manager in the healthcare real estate sector which will expand deal flow capabilities.

The Manager notes that RAM has robust conflict of interest and allocation policies in place to ensure that investor interests are always forefront of any decisions that RAM may make in the future, and that RAM will continue to operate with a high degree of transparency in regard to management of any conflicts.



15 November 2023

RAM announces the creation of new RAM Australia Healthcare Opportunity Fund

The Real Asset Management (RAM) Group of Companies is delighted to announce the launch of the RAM Australia Healthcare Opportunity Fund (HOF) which will joint venture with a large South East Asian Sovereign Wealth Fund, investing in development opportunities within the Australian healthcare sector.

Matthew Strotton, RAM’s Executive Director and Head of Real Estate, stated that RAM’s objective is to position itself for a wider range of risk assets, to create operational synergy and to escalate development capabilities which in turn, will complement the RAM Essential Services Property Fund (ASX: REP).

“We are very pleased to broaden our reach into the healthcare sector. This targeted programme allows us to enhance our existing fund management strategy by exploring a wider range of opportunities. This will also allow REP greater access to deal flow pipeline and enhance operational capability. We are targeting to scale the programme up to A$1 billion in asset value over the next several years.” Strotton added. 

RAM will invest a substantial amount alongside the new investment partner through its own balance sheet and its newly launched HOF. Strotton mentioned that RAM will leverage its experience, expertise, and established relationships with operating partners to offer opportunities to investors through the repositioning and development of high-quality healthcare assets.

REP investors should note that REP and RAM have in place robust conflict of interest and allocation policies to ensure that investor interests are always forefront of any decisions that RAM may make in the future.

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