17 September 2024 | Insight
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REP: Where Resilience Meets Opportunity  |  Ausbiz Essential Alternatives Investor Event

Originally appeared in Insight

In a recent interview at the Ausbiz Essential Alternatives Investor Event, Matthew Strotton, our Executive Director and Head of Real Estate, shared valuable insights into the strategy and performance of the RAM Essential Services Property Fund (ASX:REP).

Resilience Shining Through Essential Services

REP has consistently delivered strong performance, meeting or exceeding guidance despite the obvious headwinds facing the REIT sector over the past two years. This success underscores the strength of RAM’s active capital management, its ability to make “tough” decisions with its strategic focus on essential services. The fund comprises 31 high-quality assets across Australia, focusing on healthcare properties anchored by hospitals and allied health services, as well as essential retail neighbourhood centres featuring supermarkets and non-discretionary services.

This strategy has positioned REP to provide stable and consistent income to investors, even amid challenging market conditions, such as the post-COVID-19 environment and a volatile inflationary period. As Matthew noted, “We’ve had very high levels of rent collections with very low levels of arrears and, importantly, some very strong leasing results since launch, but especially over the last 12 months.”

He added, “As we renew and re-sign our tenancies, we’ve been achieving strong rental uplifts, which is a testament to an essential services tenancy mix. Both healthcare and retail have been resilient through these periods of time.”

Active Management Sets REP Apart

Matthew emphasised that the key to REP’s success is active management, a unique feature of the fund compared to other A-REITs. REP intends to move from a defensive development stance in the coming quarters as conditions improve. The election to defer development risk early in the cycle has been a vital component to managing outcomes during this volatile period. REP is a core to core-plus vehicle, which means that REP may activate value-add opportunities to enhance returns from its low-volatility income yield, from time to time. “We will consider value-add opportunities by taking on calculated near term leasing risk, as well as what pursuing development projects or organic value-add,” Matthew explained. “We might not specifically pursue properties that present us with ground-up development or full repurposing risk, but we will seek to add value by building on our existing properties and activating surrounding land.”

A key component of the Manager’s active management approach has been REP’s capital recycling strategy. Matthew noted that RAM has been selling assets early in the cycle that have fulfilled their strategic purpose in order to manage portfolio leverage and to reinvest into assets that are in their early stage lifecycle, particularly in healthcare. This shift reflects RAM’s long-term plan to strengthen portfolio resilience and growth while continuing to deliver reliable and consistent income to investors.

A Strategic Shift to Healthcare Focus Supported by Investors

“In consultation with our investors and our Board, we’re working towards a greater concentration in healthcare,” Matthew continued, noting that the shift is driven by both market opportunities and strong investor support.

Matthew shared that this strategic move is expected to provide significant benefits to investors, while the overwhelming support from investors underscores the positive direction in which REP is heading. “This is going to produce some favourable outcomes for investors, including a far longer WALE for the portfolio, which means lower volatility and higher levels of reliable income,” he said.

Why Now is a Good Time to Invest in REP

As inflation normalises and interest rates stabilise, the outlook for A-REITs like REP becomes increasingly attractive. With its focus on income stability, increased healthcare exposure, and active portfolio management, REP is well-positioned to deliver stable returns and long-term growth for investors.

Reflecting on the challenges and opportunities ahead, Matthew shared, “I was describing to an investor recently, that this cycle has resulted in levels of volatility that compare with the GFC. To experience this sort of upheaval in interest rates led by inflation causes you to make tougher decisions. We have to ensure we are buckling down and directing our resources to the right areas, ensuring the team focuses on those initiatives that impact the portfolio and result in better investor outcomes.”

He continued, “I’m very pleased with where REP is positioned today. As we continue to recycle capital and reposition the portfolio, our shift to focus more on healthcare is a strong move forward. It will provide investors with greater clarity in our strategy and enables a clearer underlying valuations. We’ve received overwhelming support to take this direction, so it’s exciting times ahead for REP.”

For more details on RAM’s strategy and performance, watch the full interview on Ausbiz or read the transcript below.
