10 December 2021 | MEDIA RELEASE

RAM tops National Index Benchmark for inclusivity with Inclusive Employer accreditation

Testament to its commitment to diversity and inclusion, Real Asset Management Group (RAM) has been named an Inclusive Employer 2021-2022 by Diversity Council Australia (DCA).  

The accreditation comes off the back of DCA’s nationally representative survey of workplace inclusion – Inclusion@Work Index – that tracks the state of inclusion in Australian workplaces over time.  

CEO Australia, Scott Kelly said the asset manager is proud to be named as an Inclusive Employer and the accreditation is a recognition of the company’s dedication to diversity and inclusion. 

“This achievement recognises that we are active and committed to creating an environment where everyone can feel safe and be themselves. Not only did we meet DCA’s assessment criteria, but we also exceeded the National Index Benchmark in all categories in the DCA’s Inclusion@Work index to achieve this credential,” said Kelly. 

Kelly explained that RAM arrived at a position where we clearly have diverse and inclusive workplace by natural evolution rather that  explicitly trying to manufacture that outcome  

“RAM is committed to advocating for diversity and equality. We support, respect and value the diversity of our people and stakeholders.” 

Such achievement has also been accentuated through key hires made within the past 12 months, with a 70 per-cent increase in female team members hired across the group. Currently, 56.3 per-cent of employees identifying as female. 

RAM continues to grow from strength to strength, with the global team growing by 66 per-cent on the previous year. The company’s growth has made way for new female leadership roles within the group, with females now accounting for 41.4 per-cent of the leadership team. 

Suzanne Hutchinson, HR Director of RAM said she is pleased to learn that not a single staff who participated in the Index reported their team was non-inclusive, which is significantly lower than Australian workforce benchmark at 12%. 

“An inclusive organisation is defined as one in which employees trust their organisation to treat them fairly, feel diversity is valued and respected, and report that top leaders demonstrate a visible genuine commitment to diversity and inclusion. That is exactly how we want employees to feel, and I’m really glad that the Index results reflect the same,” said Ms Hutchinson. 

RAM always has a strong focus on corporate governance, corporate social responsibility and environmental sustainability. Scott Kelly is also a “Pay Equity Ambassador” appointed by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency in recognition of the company’s commitment to closing the gender pay gap.

About the Inclusion@Work Index: 

The Inclusion@Work Index project aims to map and track the state of inclusion in the Australian workforce and in leading diversity and inclusion employers, for workers from a range of demographic backgrounds.